FAQs About Soft Tissue Therapy and Sports Massage Therapy
The most frequently asked questions about Soft Tissue Therapy and Sports Massage can be found here. Always be open and honest in your communication regarding your prior and current health status so that we can help you achieve the most beneficial results from your Soft Tissue Sports Massage Therapy treatment.
What should I expect during my first Soft Tissue Massage Therapy session?
Before your treatment, you will be required to fill out a client consent form (click here) that will outline your health history, some basic lifestyle questions, the purpose for seeking therapeutic massage and the goals you wish to attain as well as your consent to receive treatment.
We will then carry out a thorough assessment to evaluate your condition and help to determine where the underlying problem is. We will then use a range of soft tissue therapy and massage techniques to alleviate pain, stiffness, or discomfort, allowing you to move well and feel better.
You may be required to change position during your session and for some techniques you will need to actively move parts of your body (e.g. arm) to contract your muscles to achieve the best results.
At the end of your massage treatment, we will reassess you to see what progress we have achieved and where appropriate, we will give you some simple exercises, that are easy to incorporate into your daily life (no gym equipment required!).
We will provide towels to maintain your privacy throughout the treatment.
What do I wear during the appointment?
It is best to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes to your appointment however, you will be required to expose the area needing treatment. Most clients are comfortable wearing just their underwear (you will be required to wear undergarments throughout the entire treatment) however, you can choose to wear loose fitting shorts if you prefer.
You will be covered by a towel to maintain your privacy at all times.
If you have long hair, it is advised to tie it up to prevent it getting in the way during your treatment.
Does the treatment hurt?
Soft Tissue Therapy and Sports Massage does not have to hurt to be effective however, pain is very individual, and everyone feels pain differently. During your treatment you may feel some discomfort however, our goal is to work with you, within your personal pain threshold, to give you the most effective treatment.
Where are you located?
We are located in Catisfield, Fareham - just off the A27, opposite The Oast and Squire. (Link to map). Our treatment room is located on the first floor.
How do I pay?
Payment is required ahead of treatment to secure your appointment. Payment can be made paid via cash or bank transfer (details available upon request). Thank you.